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You are better than school


By: Ana Sofía Padilla 10°C

Is this a prison?

Is this a jail?

Are we afraid of them? 

Are we afraid to fail?


We have to be the best

or else we are nothing.

We have to always be on time.

We always have to be rushing.


Rushing to finish,

rushing to "learn",

rushing to be better, 

better than all of them. 


We're always higher,

always the first.

And if we don't,

in rage we burst.


But who told us that?

Who made that rule?

Who told us that if you're not the best,

then you are a fool?​f 

never be afraid.

Who said that? 

That you had to be good at math?

Who said that if you did one thing wrong, 

that you're on the wrong path?


You're human, 

you can make mistakes.

You own your life.

You raise your stakes.


So send them away,

don't let them rule you. 

Lead your life.

Always be true.


Because you’re worth it,

you’re special in your way.

So to be yourself 

never be afraid.

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